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A playground is built for the students at Na Sam Liang Primary School

Monday, 18th April 2011

2 slides and tree cubby house
A playground has been built for the students of Na Sam Liang Primary School. A huge thanks to the wonderful Child's Dream team for organising such a wonderful gift for all the kids, what a tremendous joy to see all those huge smiles on such beautiful little faces! For more information about Na Sam Liang Primary School please click here....

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Dad's trip sadly comes to an end

Thursday, 16th December 2010

"We left Pakse on Thursday morning to journey south following the mighty Mekong towards the area on Lao known as the "Four Thousand Islands". Travelling through Lao one quickly realises the importance of the Mekong as it seem to provide the life blood to the whole country. We eventually wound our way north toward Savannakhet. On the way we called into a school (I think it was...

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Dad's journey continues in the Sukama district

Wednesday, 15th December 2010

Notes from Dad's next chapter in his trip through Lao, this time in Sukama in the Champasak province in Southern Lao.... " After a very welcomed night's sleep after the opening of Na Sam Liang, breakfast for the next few days involved a visit to the local market where we purchased our various choice of foods. For me it was grilled chicken (sparrow size), some fruit and bread ro...

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The official opening of the Na Sam Liang Primary School in Lao

Monday, 13th December 2010

Dad continue's his intrepid travelling from Pakse in the South of Lao to open Na Sam Liang Primary School. "Today I was collected from my hotel in Pakse by Koy and Manuela from Child's Dream for the now familiar trip to Na Sam Liang. There was however, one disappointement early on when we discovered our favourite coffee shop was closed so we were denied our "Cafe Lao"...

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Official opening of the Sop Moei Nursery School

Friday, 19th November 2010

Dad, together with the Child's Dream Thai project team, officially opens the Sop Moei Nursery School. After breakfast this morning we set forth to the river "port" which services all the villages along the Salawin River which acts as the border between Thailand and Burma. We all climbed aboard our long tail boat and with the throbbing off the big V8 set forth for Sop Moei, lic...

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Dad begins his journey

Thursday, 18th November 2010

Dad (or for some of those who know his as "Big Tone") began his pilgrimage today to join the Child's Dream team to officially open two of the completed schools the AWSF sponsors. Here his journey begins in the stunning riverside of Chiang Mai travelling to Sop Moei in the Mae Hong Son Provence to open the Sop Moei Nursery School "Today I travelled from Chiang Mai with the...

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Sop Moei Nursery School has been completed

Saturday, 30th October 2010

enjoying clean, fresh water!
Our first nursery school to be sponsored has been finished! We attach pictures of the two new classroooms for the children both equipped with brand new furniture and toys for the children. Also a new building has been built with two toilets for the children and probably most importantly, a water purification plant was installed supplying very much-needed clean water to the community. As...

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Nam Sam Liang Primary School

Monday, 18th October 2010

Our first school to be built has finally been finished! The children and teachers were so thrilled when the door to the school opened in August and they were greeted with six brand new classrooms, new desks, teaching aids and stationery and a separate toilet block with four new toilets. The new water purification plant is due to be installed shortly which will supply both the children and village with very much needed fresh water. In the end, the total constructi...

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Pang Mon Primary and Nursery School

Sunday, 18th July 2010

Existing classroom
We are thrilled to report that the next 2 schools to be sponsored by our Foundation has been selected - The Pang Mon Primary & Nursery School both located in the north of Lao, in the Xaignabouli province. As you can see from the photo's below, the existing Pang Mon school was in extremely poor condition and in clear need of funding, with walls literally falling over. Furthermor...

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Construction of Sop Moei Nursery School begins

Wednesday, 14th July 2010

some of the nursery children in the computer room
Construction for our third school to be selected this year (the Sop Moei Nursery School) has just begun. The Sop Moei village is located in the north-west of Thailand and comprised mostly of people from the minority Karen tribe. Having escaped to this area from the great political unrest and ethnic-based conflicts in Myanmar. Isolated on the mountains, the village is very diffcult to a...

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Pcheuk Chrum Primary School

I never thought in a million Read more

Second school in Cambodia to go ahead!

We have just secured sufficient funding Read more

Opening of Deichou Akpivath Primary School in Cambodia

Every opening I have been fortunate Read more

Our first school in Cambodia!

I am so thrilled to announce Read more


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