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Dad's journey continues in the Sukama district

Wednesday, 15th December 2010

Notes from Dad's next chapter in his trip through Lao, this time in Sukama in the Champasak province in Southern Lao....

" After a very welcomed night's sleep after the opening of Na Sam Liang, breakfast for the next few days involved a visit to the local market where we purchased our various choice of foods. For me it was grilled chicken (sparrow size), some fruit and bread rolls (about 5-6 days old).

We returned to Na Sam Liang on Wednesday to collect the remaining crew and to have lunch with the village chief.

The head of the school explained to me that as a result of us building the school at Na Sam LIang, the Government had advised him they would construct an all weather road into the village within the next year. Additionally, the Government had indicated that within two years they would run electricity to the village. To think Andrew's Foundation has been the catalyst for such profound change (which can only have a very positive impact not only on the students at Na Sam Liang but the villagers) as well is such a tremendous feeling. It is such a feel good story it makes me pround that Andrew was part of our family as he realized the need to help these people before it ever occurred to me.

I then accompanied Koy as she journeyed around the schools she looks after in the Sukuma district. I was very impressed with the way Koy was welcomed as an honoured guest and how she kept to her busy schedule always in a firm but friendly manner. Everywhere I went I was made welcome, there was always a cool drink or a cup of tea with food served whenever we were at a school. I must say it is a buzz to experience the goodwill emanating for the work of Childs Dream and Andrew's Foundation.

We leave Pakse tomorrow for Savannakhet to check-in on a couple more of the Child's Dreams schools."


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